Monday, November 13, 2006

Hello everyone,

This is a new blog dedicated to follow the daily political developments primarily in our country. We do not dwell in the past and do not predict the future. We do not judge or put labels on people, just talk about the facts. We are not Republicans, Democrats, Independents with association to no political party. Just the facts as we see it. If our facts are in dispute, please write in with your information.

Today's Topic is the Baker's Commission

It seems to me that the bakers commission is put together by the oil and the banking interests to provide recommendations on how to control the immense Iraqi oil reserves without Daily American Casualties and the draining of our national treasure which is financed by government bonds sold to China and to Japan as an example. At 2 Billion dollars a week in hard costs and another 6 billion in indirect costs, the total damage to the economic system may not be absorbable in the long term, staying the course. It makes very little difference on who in charge in Capital Hill, in terms of our long term strategic national interest of protecting energy sources specially the oil. Have you heard the phrase " lets make America Energy Independent" or "let's make us free of Arab oil". These are obscene statements designed to fool the average American.

Since the Second war, we have tried to us e the old British imperial methods and we have tried to perfect them to suite us. Unfortunately, the more harm and destruction we bring to the world the worse off we are. Empires have no problem treating their own citizens as unfairly as they treat the citizens of countries on interest. Multinational corporations do not owe solidarity with any nation only to their profits. I am concerned that we are going in the same path as our best friend, the British, toward further harming the world as well as this country by laws (Freedom Act) and by monetary policies that prevent significant investment into the public sector.

Let's hope that our leaders find a new course for our leadership of the world that is not defined with "if you are not with us, you are against us", and policies such as pre emptive strikes and use of "limited" nuclear weapons. We should also push to eliminate the use of any radioactive materials in conventional bombs such as depleted uranimum.

To be continued............

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